Habitat et Participation

HetP (transparent)

Habitat and Participation is a non-profit association founded in 1982 within the Faculty of Architecture at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve with an Adult Education Accreditation. Its social objective is to promote participation processes at both rural and urban housing level.

Currently, the association is developing three work axes with a team of 8 salaried employees:

-Promote citizen participation (through activities in the neighbourhoods: local agenda 21, improvements of public space, etc. and through the training of citizen participation for multiple audiences).
-Promote an active friendly coexistence and solidarity within their accommodation. The association is known as a pole resource of co-housing, promoting solidary accommodation, alternative forms of accommodation… in order to live better in a collective. The objectives of diversity from the most favoured to the most precarious people are considerably supported by our actions.
-Promote the right to appropriate housing. Reflection activities with the inhabitants and/or professionals help us to come out with concrete proposals for the ministers of housing in order to improve the existing frameworks. Training and awareness activities of housing rights issues are regularly organised.


  1. To assume the role of a project coordinator with administrative responsibilities involved. To make every effort so that this project is supported with as much collective support as possible, with continuous readjustments involved. The national offices will be quickly informed in case of difficulties.
  2. To ensure collective support at the first international meeting, allowing everyone to make proposals (e.g.: development of the evaluation grid), ensuring the involvement of each partner in certain tasks, making useful syntheses for the progress of the work.
  3. To be particularly attentive to the good purpose of the « results » of this project: a dedicated website for the project – a promotion video of the project and a brochure presenting the European Popular School for Housing Rights.
  4. To bring expertise in terms of developing a training program.
  5. To involve DAL activists in Belgium.
  6. To organise one international meeting


Habitat et Participation ASBL | Traverse d’Esope 6 (5ème étage) – 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique)
Tel : +32(0)10/45.06.04 | E-mail : contact@habitat-participation.be | www.habitat-participation.be