Negotiating is an art! Wage a struggle for their rights generally implies that there will be times when activists will have to develop their trading strategies. Negotiate prepares and works are both in the forms of negotiation on the contents. Multiple references exist. For example …
The 36 stratagems (or strategies) is a Chinese Treaty of strategy that describes the tricks and methods that can be used to trump an opponent. The treaty was probably written during the Ming Dynasty (1366-1610). These schemes are applicable to military action or conflict of everyday life.
Examples :
- 瞞 天 過 海 « Crossing the sea without the sky to know » What is familiar does not attract attention. The Poe purloined letter is visible, so it is not secret. Rather than protect user representations of others to put a security project.
- 圍魏救趙 « Lay siege to rescue Zhao Wei » Building the victory by controlling the movements of the enemy. The Wei Zhao offensive creates the opportunity for an attack in the vacuum of the defense of his capitale1. Rather than submit to the passions and the other initiatives, as a reaction … enjoy voids, which require full, the system forces the other.
- 借 刀 殺 人 « Murder with a borrowed sword »: If you want to achieve something, make sure that others would do to you. Rather than work through exposure to cons from the other user logic others and guide (dial) so that they work for themselves without their knowledge.
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