Observatorio de Derechos Humanos, DESC

The Monitoring Centre of Humans Rights, DESC was established in 1998 with the objective of promoting social rights as fundamental rights. The main objective of the Monitoring Centre is to promote a global vision of human rights, recognizing that all rights – civil, political, social, cultural and environmental – are fundamental rights for every human being. This global approach includes making these rights enforceable, with adequate instruments and measures in order to meet basic needs and empowering the holders of these rights.

Therefore the Monitoring Centre performs training activities, develops documents and publications, promotes awareness campaigns and pleadings to politicians. In connection with this work of propagation on social rights, the Monitoring Centre focuses its efforts on housing rights and especially proposes to fight against evictions regarding housing for purely economic reasons.


  1. To participate in all international meetings – take over the identified tasks – take over the tasks at local level.
  2. To provide specific expertise in terms of a global vision of human rights (instruments and working methodology)
  3. To participate actively in the reflection on the training tools and the product we to be achieved.
  4. To organise an international meeting on our territory.

Link to our website: http://observatoridesc.org/es/proyecto-europeo-escuela-popular-derecho-vivienda

Observatorio de Derechos Humanos, DESC | Carrer Casp, 43, Baixos – 08010 Barcelona (Espagne)
Tel : +34(0)302/68.82 | E-mail : vanesa(at)observatoridesc(.)org | www.observatoridesc.org