Szindikátus – Összefogás a Városért Közhasznú Egyesület
Szindikátus (Union) is a non-profit organization created in 2007 by representatives of several associations and social movements in Hungary. The main objective of Szindikátus is to serve as an intermediary between the various associations, organizations and social movements to fight for the rights to the city, in the broadest sense: the safeguarding of heritage and architectural values, fight for rights humans, the right to housing and the right to culture, preservation of the natural and urban environment ... Through its intermediary and carrier movements role Szindikátus activities are strongly linked to education in its broad sense: using access to information and training in action activists partners.
The main activities are Szindikátus :
- Organization and / or support activist interventions in matters relating to the protection of the urban environment and the rights to the city and housing: material and intangible support to the organization of events, press conferences, petitions, etc.
- Legal consultation with associations and movements: preparation of legal documents, assistance in selecting courses, intervention in favor of associations or groups of activists from various authorities, to a continuous contact between associations, residents and local authorities or national.
- Support associations and advocacy groups in the implementation of their strategies: providing platforms for discussions, providing a legal framework for the creation of projects and responding to calls for projects, organization meetings etc.
- Participate in all international meetings - support the identified tasks - take over the tasks locally.
- Bring its legal specific skills: legal advice and interventions, legal expertise.
- Actively participate in the discussion on training tools and products to achieve.
- Mobilize activists and militant groups of various associations in the country, for the establishment of these mutual training.
- Organize an international meeting on its territory.
Szindikátus – Összefogás a Városért Közhasznú Egyesület | Csaba utca 9 - 1122 Budapest (Hongrie)
Tel : +36(0)20/248.40.59 | E-mail : kollonay(at)gmail(.)com