Build strategy - Actors strategy
Piece of text : In all the struggles and victories, knowledge and mastery of the law, even if they were crucial, have not been sufficient. The recognition of the legitimacy of social struggles was fundamental, as the mobilization of those concerned.
APEIS France | download this plug in french
Piece of text : Today we have some recognition from the government. The relationship with the communications media has been fundamental in the struggle conducted, as these are the main broadcasters messages and proposals made.
Movimiento Rumiñahui Spain | download this plug in french
Piece of text : We fought for the 1988 law on business bankruptcy is extended to farms. We wrote our own proposals and lobbied members of the government and some MPs to take into consideration.
Solidarités Paysan Provence France | download this plug in french
Piece of text : On questions of law, our ambition is to create a network of stakeholders. The work of external stakeholders conducted in tandem with the animator allows us, in fact, disseminate and popularize legal terms, avoiding the risk of oversimplification and to deliver information that is not quite right.
Groupe Prévention Surendettement (GPS) – Belgium | download this plug in french