Habitat et Participation ASBL
Habitat et Participation is a nonprofit organization created in 1982 within the Faculty of Architecture of the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve with the approval Continuing Education. Its purpose is to promote participatory processes at the habitat, both rural and urban.
Currently, the association develops three lines of work with a team of 8 employees :
- Promote citizen participation (via activities in the neighborhoods: Local Agenda 21, public space improvements, etc. and through training on citizen participation for multiple public.).
- Promote an active and supportive usability within its habitat. The association is recognized as resources cohousing (co-housing) division, promotes solidarity habitat, alternative forms of housing, ... with a view to better live collectively. Goals of diversity between most favored and most precarious public are largely carried through our actions.
- Promote the right to decent housing. Reflection activities with residents and / or professional help lead to concrete proposals brought to the Housing Ministers in order to change the current settings. Training activities and awareness about the right to housing are regularly organized.
- Assume the role of project coordinator with administrative responsibilities that entails. Make every effort to make this project more focused collectively possible, with continual adjustments that will be required. In case of difficulties shall inform their national agency quickly.
- At the first international meeting, ensure collective portage allowing everyone to be able to make proposals (eg development of the evaluation grid), ensuring the involvement of each partner in certain tasks by performing the syntheses useful for the progress of work.
- Be particularly attentive to good purpose "results" of this project: a project-specific website - a video project promotion and presentation brochure popular European law school housing.
- Provide expertise in terms of development of the training program.
- Engage in Belgium activists DAL.
- Arrange a meeting.
Habitat et Participation ASBL | Place des Peintres 1, boite - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique)
Tel : +32(0)10/45.06.04 | E-mail : contact(at)habitat-participation(.)be | www.habitat-participation.be