Mobilize - Tools to mobilize a group
These exercises are designed to support the trainer in his animation work, and it has a "tool box" quite comprehensive. But it is no of course not to make them all under the same training! It is for each teacher to choose, depending on the time of the participant profile, the group's progress and his own trainer capabilities, those it wishes to use or not.
Summary of tools
Tool A: Perception Game
The reality is perceived differently by each of us. This little "game" enable the group to realize and become aware of the importance not to stop at his first vision of reality. Moreover, we will become aware of the power of influence (leadership) of those who have the most extensive collection on other participants. | download (in french)
Tool B: Photolangage
Analysis Tool and expression face a reality. This is a first approach to allow more "emotional" and a global problem, individually and collectively. Can be used to determine the 'red thread' training. | download (in french)
Tool C: Ishikawa
Analytical tool that allows everyone in turn, express themselves orally and in writing and then to draw the first outlines of a more detailed identification of the problem addressed. | Ishikawa 1, Ishikawa 2
Tool D: Exquisite Corpse
This tool will - from cutting out a problematic questions - reflect in depth in subgroups. This method has the advantage of requiring participants to read the thoughts of other participants, so as to go beyond mere personal reflection and / or superficial. | download (in french)
Tool E: Self-assessment of living
If participants have already tried to take action to deal with their problems, it is certainly important that they can talk about it. This can be done informally or be formalized in a grid where everyone can share their experience and results (identified!) From this experience. | download (in french)
Tool F: actors Card
We know we are not alone, that there are people or groups of people (institutions, associations, ...) that are close to us. It should allow participants, individually or collectively, to get an idea of the actors (individuals or institutions) that are or may be interacting with the problem he faced. This is a first step to create a work of identification (= that) and then to detail, to make a qualifying work (for example, this actor can it help me or not, it is in contact first?) for each of the players previously identified. | download 1 (in french) and download 2 (in french)
Tool G: Chart analysis of experiments
This exercise aims to allow each participant to discover and analyze the experiences of struggles by other collective and individual sub 2 angles: the right problem at issue and the actions used and actors met. Through this discovery of other experiences, it allows: to draw attention to the link between the real problem and the law; to show them that the law can be an effective tool when used in the context of collective action; to reveal their own ability to be involved in law. | download (in french)
Tool H: post-it game
Allow each participant to speak on his own conception of law before confronting the design, may be different, what the other participants of the law. Everyone, even if he is not a lawyer and never studied law, has its say. This is an opportunity for participants to begin or deepen a critical reflection on what the law is. It allows the trainer to more easily engage the debate and work on some ideas on the right. | download (in french)
Tool I : If legal practice
Get participants to focus on the legal aspects of a problem. Show them that it is possible, even if it is not necessarily simple, to delve into the right and you can even take the game ... Allow them to confront directly to legal texts, the handle to be able to know a little about the matter. They therefore propose method elements to look for a right to read text and more easily. Show them that the right can strengthen collective action: because we find new arguments that will help to give another dimension and more strength to fight, because we realize that the law is blocking that it is necessary to evolve and must guide the strategy in this direction, etc. | download (in french)
Tool J : legal landmarks
Sheets of legal benchmarks' have been developed to provide participants with legal information enabling them to take action:
- Sheet 1: Mapping among different legal standards
- Sheet 2: Intervention in the development of law or law enforcement
- Sheet 3: Where to find the legal information necessary to Action ?
- Sheet 4: Who to contact in the organization of justice ?
- Sheet 5: Mapping the organization of justice
- Sheet 6: Some procedural elements relevant to the work
The information contained herein is certainly not a quick right course !!! This is basically to offer information to enable collective reflection on legal courses of action available to it. | download (in french)
Tool K : Strategic Sheets
To enable participants to identify the different components of a strategy of action and identify some of the questions to ask to build a most effective action possible, taking into account issues related to law.
- Strategy to seek allies and Awareness
- Direct action strategy
- Use the right
- Position yourself facing the government
- Risk Management to our action
Tool L : Fact sheets
Allow participants to work some more specific aspects of the construction of collective actions taking into account legal issues:
- The internal legitimation process
- The external legitimation process
- The proper functioning of collective action
- The risks associated with collective action
Tool M : Booklets "actors words"
From the discovery of the analysis of experiences of struggle carried by other group, the participants can reflect on the various methods of action concretely used in other situations. Offer participants to tap into the experiments presented elements of reflection and action enabling them, if necessary, to enrich and strengthen their own action strategy.
- The relationship to the media
- The relationship to the government
- The relationship legal professionals
- The integration of law in the action strategy
Tool N : Work Breakdown Structure
This exercise should allow the group to develop its strategy of shares by a back and forth between objectives - projects - action. According to the group, the facilitator may need more work the notion of objective of the action (why do we want to be?) Or rather the cutting action of the group into multiple tasks that everyone can implement after training. The identification of the target is often very useful because if a project or action seems impossible, we can / replace a / another that will aim to meet the same objective and it avoids many frustrations! | download (in french)
Tool O : Analyse SWOT
This type of tool is intended to enable the identification of "brakes" and "opportunities" in the implementation of an action. The analysis, strategically, to address the internal characteristics (contextual analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the group) and external characteristics of the collective (analysis of opportunities and risks: actors, local ...). | WBS1 + WBS2
Tool P : Tree of shares
Allow participants to observe and record, throughout the training, methodological issues, issues, research paths or action related to each job steps in building a strategy of collective action which takes into account issues related to law. They leave a space for creativity and allow them to leave with a trace of the aspects studied during training and support they can eventually take over during the construction of a future action. | Tree of shares 1 + Tree of shares 2
Tool Q : Meeting evaluation
The end of training, we advise you to take the time (to program this time during training) to make a short evaluation of the path traveled with the group. This can be done orally or in written form. | download (in french)