Build strategy - Nonviolent action

1. NONVIOLENT struggle - 50 CRUCIAL POINTS - A strategic approach to every tactics

"This book is a primer on applying strategic nonviolent action in real campaigns. The techniques outlined in the following 15 chapters have been used successfully in many parts of the world. The British historian Eric Hobsawm described the twentieth century as the “age of extremes” because of the devastating wars waged in the last hundred years and the influence of extreme ideologies which were used to justify the destruction of entire peoples, classes and faiths. At the same time, the spread of democracy and economic prosperity has transformed much of humanity. Today, the potential for ruinous conflict persists - but so also does the opportunity for nonviolent alternatives." | download this book

United States Institute of Peace (USIP), 2005 |


"People Power is more than a game. It’s an opportunity to join a community of others who want to learn about civil resistance and nonviolent strategies. Everyone can design scenarios and post them on the scenario page, available to the whole community. With this first edition, you are invited to participate in our 'Open Beta' phase of development. Play the game, then send us your comments, suggestions, and criticism. You will become part of the team, working to improve the game and make it more useful to more players. On our Forum, you can exchange ideas with other players and scenario writers."

International Center on Nonviolent Conflict :


"The Ruckus Society sees itself as a toolbox of experience, training, and skills. We provide instruction on the application of tactical and strategic tools to a growing number of organizations and individuals from around the world in skill shares and trainings that are designed to move a campaign forward. Through these trainings, we help people learn the skills they need to practice nonviolent direct action safely and effectively. These trainings contain cerebral elements as well as physical, classroom-style instruction for action planning, communicating with the media, building leadership and political analysis, and nonviolent philosophy and practice." | download "The Ruckus Society"

Website :


"Tactical Tech has been working since 2003 to advance the use of information and digital technologies by advocates and activists worldwide. Through trainings and workshops we provide direct support to over 2000 activists a year. Through a range of toolkits, guides, online resources and films (created with on and offline-sharing, repurposing and translating in mind), we reach a further 2 million people per year. Projects : toolkits, guides, online resources, films, animations, etc."

  1. Bring them to the action
  2. Someone is watching
  3. Picture it
  4. No one is listening
  5. Provoke a smile
  6. Understand your connections
  7. Make it simple
  8. Report it live
  9. Technology that listens
  10. Revel the truth

Website :