To form / be informed - Buil a training

This section includes useful elements to mount training on European issues and access to rights.

A record was made in order to provide training frame for anyone who would use the tools on this website to make it a learning process with a collective. This is the "Trainer's Workbook." Another record includes a number of "support cards" in connection with the tools of this website. It also helps to support the creation of a formation.

Download the record "dossier carnet de bord" (in french)

Download the record "dossier fiches appui" (in french)
Power Points to a better understanding of the functioning of Council of Europe and suggesting websites where complete this information.

Download the documents (in french)
A final document will help you to achieve a practical exercise of searching for information on the operation of Europe.

Download the practical exercice (in french)
If you have other tools to offer, do not hesitate to contact us to improve this part of the website !