Build strategy - Activists strategy
Rehousing of homeless people during winter
1. Analysis in Charleroi (Belgium)
- A lot of deserted buildings.
- Too much people in night shelter (center for sleeping).
- Difficulty of lasting stabilisation of people in a very long time in poverty .
2. Main idear - principle
- to enable at homeless people to rent a house during winter period (november to march). They pay for rent plus automatically saving.
- Intensive caring in administratives problems (find a house, to be in order with the administrations).
3. Objectives : a triple goal :
- Occupying buildings who will be transformed (leasing precarious occupation).
- rehousing durably homeless people.
- releasing night shelter (center for sleeping).
4. Number of people targed.
- 1 x 5 persons who are followed by the associations.
- 1 x 5 persons who are followed by public strcutures.
5. A cherry on the cake of the associative approach.
- Developping a collective project.